SecurityBrief New Zealand - Technology news for CISOs & cybersecurity decision-makers

Budd Ilic stories

Budd Ilic is a prolific author with a specific focus on cybersecurity, cloud technology, and their implications in contemporary settings. His insights appear frequently in discussions about the evolution and challenges of cybersecurity, particularly in relation to the dynamic shift towards cloud-based solutions and the adoption of modern IT infrastructure. Ilic’s writings reflect a deep engagement with the strategies necessary for safe digital transformations, robust network strategies, and the integrative role of cybersecurity across different sectors.

Through a series of insightful columns, Ilic explores topics ranging from the influence of cloud computing on IT security to the pressing need for advanced cybersecurity measures in the public sector. His examinations often highlight the ongoing adjustments within IT departments as they adopt new technologies like SD-WAN and respond to global phenomena such as COVID-19. Notably, Ilic articulates the critical need for a comprehensive security strategy that extends beyond traditional IT parameters to encompass entire organizational structures, advocating for a zero trust approach especially in mobile and cloud environments.

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Sector training, further investment required in Australian Budget - ANZ cybersecurity vendors
Fri, 14th May 2021
supply chain systems
breach prevention
Greater assistance needed to protect Australian businesses and employees from cyber threats, according to an industry expert.
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Ensuring effective public-sector security in an interconnected world
Thu, 12th Nov 2020
Increasing interconnectedness is causing sweeping changes to the public sector, posing challenges and opportunities for IT security.
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Zscaler first cloud security vendor to complete IRAP assessment
Mon, 19th Oct 2020
australian government
Zscaler completed IRAP’s two security assessment stages, as dictated in the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM).
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IT vendors respond to Federal Government budget
Wed, 7th Oct 2020
network infrastructure
CrowdStrike, WatchGuard, Zscaler and LogRhythm are amongst several IT vendors responding to the Australian Federal Government's budget announcements.
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Six steps for effective public-sector cloud adoption in a post-COVID-19 world
Thu, 1st Oct 2020
public cloud
risk & compliance
Australian and New Zealand governments urged to adopt comprehensive cybersecurity strategies as technology rapidly transforms the public sector.
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Video: 10 Minute IT Jams - Who is Zscaler?
Thu, 20th Aug 2020
Zscaler's cloud-based cybersecurity solutions and response to COVID-19 are discussed in TechDay's latest IT Jams interview.
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Cybercriminals exploiting virus fears to gain access to corporate IT systems
Mon, 25th May 2020
advanced persistent threat protection
cyber threats
COVID-19 may have changed the way many people work, but this doesn’t have to mean companies must accept lower levels of security.
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Cybersecurity: why responsibility needs to extend beyond the IT department
Mon, 9th Mar 2020
digital transformation
In the era of digital transformation, organisations must extend cybersecurity responsibility beyond the IT department to tackle evolving threats effectively.
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Successful cloud transformation requires collaboration on network strategy
Fri, 13th Dec 2019
network infrastructure
digital transformation
An organisation’s security team must be invited to the table when a transformation project is in the early planning stages, Zscaler says.
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Why zero trust is the best security strategy for mobile computing - Zscaler
Mon, 11th Nov 2019
endpoint protection
Zero trust network access is helping organisations address the protection problem posed by mobile computing and cloud-based applications.
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How SD-WAN is transforming IT departments - Zscaler
Thu, 17th Oct 2019
network infrastructure
digital transformation
The rise of SD-WAN technology will be the catalyst for significant change in IT departments around the country.
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IoT devices leaving businesses open to security risks – Zscaler
Wed, 11th Sep 2019
iot security
IDC has forecast that spending on IoT will reach US$745 billion in 2019 and surpass the US$1 trillion mark in 2022.
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Cloud security changing security channel partner model - Zscaler
Mon, 12th Aug 2019
cloud security
channel development
Channel partners need to carve out their own space and convince enterprise customers that they are the best avenue to procure cloud services.
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Security challenges posed by hybrid cloud - Zscaler
Fri, 2nd Aug 2019
hybrid cloud
cloud security
Legacy security approaches can result in a poor user experience, inflated costs, and dangerous holes in protection.