Three providers of unified endpoint management software named IDC innovators
International Data Corporation (IDC) has published an IDC Innovators report profiling three technology providers that are considered key emerging vendors in the unified endpoint management software market.
The three companies named as IDC Innovators are 42Gears Mobility Systems, Fleetsmith, and Miradore.
Unified endpoint management (UEM) technologies provide management, configuration, and deployment capabilities to all types of end-user computing devices, from traditional PCs and laptops to smartphones, tablets, and even some Internet of Things (IoT) device types.
UEM software is experiencing new interest now that the software tools exist to provide common management across multiple operating environments, including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Chrome, and Linux-based systems.
While there are many large, established UEM providers, the evolving market has room for smaller players with products addressing innovative use cases for UEM deployments.
"Endpoint device deployments in enterprises today have never been more diverse in terms of use cases, device form factors, and varying operating system types," says IDC Enterprise Mobility program director Phil Hochmuth.
"The three vendors named as IDC Innovators reflect the heterogeneous nature of end-user computing and endpoint device management requirements among enterprises and SMBs today and in the future."
42Gears Mobility Systems offers a device management platform that allows for simplified, repeatable, and secure configuration setup and deployment for thousands of devices into unmanaged or challenging environments such as retail, manufacturing, and in-vehicle use cases.
Fleetsmith is a SaaS-based endpoint management software provider that specifically focuses on Apple products, enabling consolidated device procurement, management, support, and packaged application delivery.
Miradore combines a range of UEM management features into its platform, allowing the company to address both cloud-focused customers and regulated industries where on-premise delivery models are preferred
The report, IDC Innovators: Unified Endpoint Management Software, 2018 profiles three providers of unified endpoint management software.
The IDC Innovators reports present a set of vendors – under $100 million in revenue at the time of selection – chosen by an IDC analyst within a specific market that offers an innovative technology, a new approach to an existing issue, and/or an interesting business model.
It is not an exhaustive evaluation of all companies in a segment or a comparative ranking of the companies.
Vendors in the process of being acquired by a larger company may be included in the report provided the acquisition is not finalised at the time of publication of the report.
Vendors funded by venture capital firms may also be included in the report even if the venture capital firm has a financial stake in the vendor's company.