New Zealand's NCSC briefs IPAC on potential cyber attacks
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a department within New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB), recently held a briefing session with local representatives of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC). The focus of the briefing was on reports of potential cyber attacks on members of IPAC, which emerged in 2021.
The Deputy Director-General of the GCSB, Lisa Fong, who also oversees the NCSC's operations, elaborated on the briefing. "New Zealand IPAC members were briefed on the actions the NCSC took when it received reports about the activity," Fong stated.
Additionally, the attendees of the meeting were informed about an ongoing internal investigation at the NCSC. "The NCSC also shared with them details of the internal review it has commenced to look at how it responds to reports of malicious cyber activity indicating foreign state-sponsored actors are targeting identified New Zealand individuals," Fong commented.
The NCSC contends that it is sensitive to the apprehensions stemming from these incidents and recognises the wider public interest in resolving them. The organisation has reached out to those who have allegedly been targeted by these malicious activities.
"We recognise the concerns expressed by these individuals, and the wider public interest in these matters. NCSC officials have reached out to the affected individuals to acknowledge their concerns, share the actions the NCSC took to respond to reports of possible targeting, and outline the range of cyber threats and activity the NCSC monitors," Fong explained. Providing practical cyber-security advice is reportedly a significant part of their outreach efforts.
Highlighting the commitment to transparency, Fong added, "We have committed to sharing the findings of the review with them and to make those findings public. In undertaking this review, we hope to identify areas for improvement, including where current procedures and practices could be updated."
According to Fong, the projected completion date for the review is 30 June 2024. Once the report is concluded, a publicly accessible, unclassified version of the findings will be released.
On the wider issue of cyber security in New Zealand, the NCSC recently published its latest 'Cyber Threat Report', which outlines the current cyber threat landscape in the country. It indicates that around a third of all incidents responded to by the NCSC have been state-sponsored cyber attacks on New Zealand. This further underscores the importance of public awareness and preventive measures against cyber threats.
The wider New Zealand public who wish to further educate themselves on online safety are advised to seek suitable advice and guidance.