Kordia transforms New Zealand's security space with Cyber Security by Kordia
Kordia has been synonymous with connectivity since the 1960s. These days, connectivity is still important, but there's an even bigger concern: security. And it cannot be ignored.
"Businesses change and evolve just like cyber threats. Many customers just don't know where to start - and what's more concerning is that many don't even realise how at risk they are," says Kordia Group CEO Scott Bartlett.
Kordia recently conducted a survey of 183 decision makers. It found that 25% of respondents didn't think they had enough tools available to help or educate them in making informed cybersecurity decisions. What's more alarming is that 20% said their company had no policies or training for online security at all.
However, 58% of respondents were looking for a one-stop-shop provider when choosing cybersecurity services and solutions.
For the last several years Kordia has been busy growing in the cybersecurity space, including the acquisition of Aura Information Security in 2015 and partnerships with AlienVault, RedShield and Fortinet.
"Working alongside the Aura team has also impacted positively on the wider business in terms of knowledge. Often security officers or pen testers will head along to customer meetings or planning session – our customers tell us that what they learn in that hour is more valuable that what they've learnt over the space of months or even years," Bartlett says.
Kordia has also formulated New Zealand's most comprehensive suite of security solutions, known as Cyber Security by Kordia.
Bartlett says there are three pillars to the Cyber Security by Kordia portfolio:
- Advise: That's where Aura comes in. By helping businesses see where they are exposed and where to focus their efforts. Staff education and effective security policies are also key in this area.
- Protect: This is the more traditional approach of building effective walls to keep the bad guys out. Most people think of firewalls and related security products in this space. Kordia has a range of security products in this space. One of these is award-winning RedShield web-shielding service of which we are the exclusive ANZ reseller.
- Insight - Response: If you accept that at some point you will get compromised, then reducing the impact of a breach is key to business survival. It's scary to think that the average time to discover a security breach is over 100 days! That's a lot of time to notice some taken your sensitive information or customers' credit card numbers or passwords for example. Our insight and response pillar is all about discovering a breach and mitigating the impact.
Kordia says that the most effective hacking tricks are the ones that keep working - social engineering. The company's biggest piece of advice is that good security starts with staff education and effective security policies.
No matter where you are on the security journey; or how much or how little in-house security resource you have, Kordia can help.
Click here to find out how Cyber Security by Kordia can benefit your organisation.