Stories by Brett Raphael

How to level up Australia’s cybersecurity productivity – CrowdStrike
Wed, 30th Oct 2019
it automation
ai security
The Productivity Bulletin showed that productivity levels in Australia has been declining in key industries since 2013, falling behind global peers.

CrowdStrike: Best practices for mobile device security
Tue, 28th May 2019
endpoint protection
ai security
As mobile use surges in both personal and corporate spheres, CrowdStrike offers best practices for safeguarding mobile devices against cyber threats.

CrowdStrike: Improving network security with cloud computing solutions
Wed, 24th Apr 2019
network infrastructure
Australian spending on public cloud services is expected to reach $6.5 billion this year according to Gartner.

Are you sticking to your cybersecurity resolutions this year?
Mon, 25th Feb 2019
ai security
CrowdStrike's Brett Raphael discusses the rather dire situation with Australian cybersecurity and provides some tips moving forward.