Stories by Al Blake

Digital tools still need to work with analog brains
Mon, 21st Nov 2016
Research suggests that there are significant educational benefits to some old-fashioned analogue skill sets that can be critical to the way we think.

Standards, regulation, and accountability are required to avoid IoT Armageddon
Wed, 2nd Nov 2016
As the number of devices connected to the net increases exponentially, there is a significant aggregated risk to overall network integrity.

Blackboard provides a roadmap to the cloud for higher education
Mon, 5th Sep 2016
higher education
Blackboard has announced a transition plan at its recent Teaching and Learning Conference in Sydney to help institutions move to cloud-based services.

The perceived risks of cloud depend on where you are standing
Fri, 13th May 2016
cloud security
risk & compliance
cloud services
Adoption of cloud services by government agencies is steadily increasing, albeit at a slower rate than in other sectors.